
A travelogue of scribbling in the margins


New Blender

So, I just skimmed this Slashdot thread on the new release of Blender, which I had first tried a few years ago and had come to the conclusion it had the single worst interface in the bloody cosmos. Not just the look of the GUI, but the very logic, layout and naming of tools and functions. As interfaces went, it was akin to abstract performance art. And their documentation was abhorrent.

That finally seems to be changing to an extent, but reading the subsequent postings (read at a threshold of 2+ or be prepared for a lot of inanity) there is still a way to go. Opensource advocates have generally been willing to forgive some of its faults since it was the only cross-platform (but originally Linux native) 3D app of any consequence out there...but I have not been one of them. This may prompt me to at least try it again.


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