Mechanical legs, mechanical legs...
This is from one of the dozen or so black hardbound sketchbooks I have in various states of development. I never fill one before getting another, an as a result I have none complete from cover to cover, but some with only a handful of scrawlings and others with the bulk of the pages with completed ink illustrations (there was a period when I drew straight rapidograph to paper) and a bunch of pages of scribbles with notes for oether projects.
When all else fails, I draw bio mechanical things. Maybe it is too much anime (I am of the age that I remember the original TV showings of Battle of the Planets , Voltron *, Macron 1, and Robotech**) and Transformers as a kid. Maybe it is my current interest in meical advances and nanotech. Or maybe it is my whole thing with industrial design and spaces. Who knows.
This bad boy is several years old, and at one point, like so many other loose ends, it just collects dust. So here it is.
* And I actually preferred the big vehicle Voltron to the 5 mechanical lions, which just seemed so stupid to me at the time. Now it all looks stupid, but I'd still get those old vehicle episodes if I could -- nostalgia, yo.
** And I actually think Southern Cross was just as interesting as the Macross arc, and more interesting than the Mospeada segment. Hovertanks. It is all about Hovertanks.
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