
A travelogue of scribbling in the margins


New GIMP on the way

So it looks like GIMP is getting ever closer to being in the same class as Photoshop and Painter. Next month, the release of 2.4 brings some new tools (including an extraction tool that bears some resemblance to Corel Knockout, only sane in usage), pressure sensitivity with the airbrush tool, and a variable method for desaturation. There has apparently been some UI cleanup, and the only thing still missing is lack of CYMK, which really only affects the professional artist doing printwork more than anything else.

I have been using it off and on for years, and at some point may (because of Adobe's onerous costs and in some cases, bad business behavior) make it my primary app. Actually, I suppose I have already in a way, since I stopped upgrading at 7.0, and have yet to see a condition which would make me want to upgrade.


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